Update on negotiations (or lack thereof) in our Sydney/NSW Trains bargain
17 December 2024
Dear members,
It’s hard to write a single email to you all with everything that’s happening. Yesterday, the Government stepped up its attacks against us, and every Australian worker for that matter, through its arguments in the Federal Court. Further doubling down by today spruiking how they intend to continue taking legal action against us to prevent us utilising our lawful rights.
This is the sort of behaviour one might expect in North Korea, not in Australia. It is truly shameful and goes against not only international law but stands in direct contradiction of the industrial standards the Federal Labor Government has sought to improve.
By saying that “No level of industrial action is acceptable. We need to be able to provide those services… on New Year’s Eve”, the Transport Minister has fundamentally mistaken us for workers under indentured servitude. To demand that members sacrifice time with their families to deliver services for a Government that refuses to show even the most basic level of respect is appalling.
This Government may be comfortable in exhibiting their breathtaking contempt for hard working essential workers but that doesn’t mean that we are willing to accept it. This Government, and its Ministers, are about to learn a very valuable lesson about respect and decency – a lesson that will be delivered by 13,000 fired up rail workers.
With all this in mind, last night, after our overwhelmingly successful protected action ballot, we notified a new suite of industrial actions. The details are below.

If the Federal Court finds in our favour later this week, meaning the injunction would be lifted, the entire suite of older actions will recommence. We will stay in touch about that as soon as we hear any news.
If you have any questions about the above actions, please do not hesitate to contact your EA delegate. Your can find your EA delegates on our website, www.fightingforourfuture.com.au/delegates.
Toby Warnes
Branch Secretary