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Sydney Trains and NSW Trains EA Bargaining Update – remember to vote YES for one agreement

5 June 2024

Dear Members,

Many of you are being lambasted with information from management of Sydney Trains and NSW Trains about the commencement of bargaining for a new enterprise agreement.

To be clear, what management have agreed to do is not what we want, or what we need.

Last agreement, we fought hard to bring our entire membership in the Trains entities under one agreement. This was so important because we all know that we’re stronger together.

Now Sydney Trains and NSW Trains have proposed a bargaining period that, because of the changes to the Fair Work Act and the transfer of Intercity back to Sydney Trains, will in our view mean that the agreements will become separate again.

We have the opportunity during this bargaining round to build on what we won last time.

Let’s make sure we don’t let management sell us a dud.

Vote YES now

In Unity,

