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fighting for our future > Member updates > Sydney and NSW Trains – Bargaining Meeting #7

Sydney and NSW Trains – Bargaining Meeting #7

Today we continued bargaining for the week and continued to work through our log of claims. Yesterday we demanded that the Chief Executives of both Sydney Trains and NSW Trains present to the meeting as key decision makers. Today both showed up, which was a refreshing change. Our delegates also met Roger Weeks, the new NSW Trains CE.

Amongst the claims discussed today were:

  1. Reducing the gold pass qualification time to 20 years,
  2. Ensuring the Gold Passes can travel anywhere employee passes can,
  3. Fixing fatigue management systems for shift workers,
  4. Improving the rights of union delegates to assist them representing members,
  5. Ensuring that contractors are paid the same rates as Sydney Trains employees,
  6. Converting contractors after 3 months into permanent employment.

We are still yet to receive a decision from the Fair Work Commission regarding the PABO. We expect it anytime now, so please stay tuned.

Our next meeting is on 12 August 2024.
