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Industrial Action Suspended by FWC

16 January 2025

Dear Members,

As members would know, the NSW Government filed a Section 424 application seeking to suspend or terminate our industrial action.

A directions hearing was convened at 5.30 this afternoon to determine when evidence would be produced.

During the hearing, the Commission turned to an obscure part of the act which says that the FWC has to suspend all industrial action if the case is not heard in 5 days

Despite both parties telling the Commission the case could be heard in that timeframe, the Commission nonetheless decided that it couldn’t and made orders suspending ALL unions’ industrial action until a judgement is delivered on the case.

Therefore all RTBU industrial action has to cease until the Commission’s order is lifted.

Unfortunately, this shows that the Government once again is more interested in using lawyers to beat us in the courts than it is in finalising negotiations for this agreement.

We are extremely disappointed and considering our options.


Toby Warnes
Branch Secretary
