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fighting for our future > Member updates > Bargaining update and member meetings next week

Bargaining update and member meetings next week

25 October 2024

Dear Members,

This week we concluded the 4-week intensive bargaining period. Overall, the period saw a significant number of claims agreed to which will go a long way to addressing some of the concerns that members raised in the log of claims.

Concerningly though, there are several important items that are yet to be agreed to which need to be sorted before any agreement can be finalised including:

  1. Pay rises (obviously)
  2. Overtime on the day for Section 4
  3. Payroll functions returning to Sydney Trains
  4. Annual leave loading to be paid at average pay rates
  5. 5 weeks of annual leave for RETRU members
  6. Adverse weather allowance for Section 3
  7. A package of new conditions for Signallers and Area Controllers
  8. An uplift of the ULCP of 1 increment for Track and Civil disciplines

This is amongst several other claims that are currently sitting with either management or government for further consideration and costing. Hopefully we will hear some answers on these claims next week.

We are in the process of compiling the current status of all claims so you can look holistically at where the bargain is at.

In the meantime, your EA delegates will be out and about next week to provide an update on the intensive bargaining process and discuss the next steps forward. The current schedule is below, if the meeting is a Teams meeting, a link will be sent out to relevant members closer to the time.

Please try to make it to one of the meetings to hear from your EA delegates firsthand. If you want a further meeting in your workplace, please contact your organiser.
