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A clear path for continued action

Despite maintained efforts by the NSW Government (directly) to scuttle our right to exercise our lawful workplace right to take industrial action, today they suffered two setbacks.

This morning, we were back before the Federal Court of Australia to argue either that the injunction should be overturned, or in the alternative, the case should be heard at the earliest possible time next week.

The Federal Court has decided to list the Government’s case against us for trial on Monday, 16 December 2024 and has advised it will be delivering a decision in the course of that week. This is a great outcome off the back of the result on Sunday night.

Then this afternoon, we appeared before the Fair Work Commission in our new protected action ballot application. The Government tried every delaying tactic in the book, including  advising the Commission it could not provide a list of its own employees to our ballot agent within two days. It was laughable, and the Commission didn’t buy it.

The Commission made an order for a new protected action ballot to take place starting on Friday 13 December and closing at 4pm on Monday 16 December.

Both are fantastic results and are ways to get our industrial campaign back on track. Every member needs to vote as soon as you can to ensure we get it over the line!

It would be remiss to not point out once again that this was an attack by an aggressive and unconscionable government against honest, hardworking railway members. Shame.  We will not forget this any time soon.
