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fighting for our future > Media Releases > Uncategorized > ‘Give commuters free transport over festive season’: RTBU urges NSW Govt to stop hurting commuters and get back to negotiating table

‘Give commuters free transport over festive season’: RTBU urges NSW Govt to stop hurting commuters and get back to negotiating table

23 December 2024

The Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) NSW has told the NSW Government that it will halt its protected industrial action if the government commits to providing commuters with free public transport and sitting back at the negotiating table.

In an offer provided to the NSW Government over the weekend, the Combined Rail Unions (CRU) said that in an attempt to reach a sensible resolution that doesn’t impact commuters over the festive season, workers would withdraw the majority of protected industrial action currently being taken and commit to not taking further action until 7 January on the proviso the government provides free public transport to commuters.

The CRU has given the NSW Government until 1pm today to respond to its offer.

RTBU NSW Secretary Toby Warnes said the NSW Government needs to stop blowing up the current dispute and finally get back to sensible negotiating.

“We’ve told the NSW Government that if it commits to providing commuters with free public transport, we’ll pause the current protected industrial action rail workers are taking,” Mr Warnes said.

“We’ve always been committed to finding a way forward which would see minimal disruption on New Years Eve and throughout the remainder of the festive season. We’re hopeful the NSW Government is as committed to commuters as we are. 

“The NSW Government’s actions in recent days have made Ebenezer Scrooge look like a delight by comparison – this is the government’s opportunity to turn that around and finally sit down like adults and discuss how we can reach a sensible resolution.

“All we’ve ever wanted is for the NSW Government to sit down and sensibly negotiate a deal that will provide commuters with the decent transport system they deserve and rail workers with the fair wages and conditions they deserve.  

“We’re hopeful common-sense will prevail and the NSW Government will agree to providing free public transport and sitting back down at the table so we can finally reach a sensible resolution.

“Rail workers never want to have to take protected industrial action, but we also can’t just sit back and allow the government to run down our transport system and rob workers of the fair pay and conditions they deserve.

“Our fight has never been with commuters, but with the government and management who are overseeing this disgraceful attack on rail workers and have been responsible for the systemic attack on our public transport system for many years.

“There’s now a position on the table that would ensure commuters will receive free travel and reliable train services while this dispute is being dealt with. If the government doesn’t take our offer, it is clear who commuters should be directing their frustrations towards.”
