Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

9 events,

Wearing union gear to work, stickers on Railway assets, speaking to the media about campaign or union matters

A ban on training for Crew Support Officers (or employees acting in the CSO role) including but not limited to the training of employees under EOIs or Acting in Higher Grades.

Continuing industrial actions #1

Ban on Station Staff closing opal gates or restoring normal operation when they have been opened or rendered inoperative for any reason

10 events,

10 events,

20 events,

A ban on any employee at the Rail Operations Centre whose work is capable of being performed at Belmore working from a location other than Belmore.

20 events,

20 events,

18 events,

18 events,

18 events,

18 events,

18 events,

18 events,

18 events,

18 events,

18 events,

18 events,

18 events,

18 events,

18 events,

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18 events,

18 events,