Protected Action ballot update
The protected action ballot process is now well underway.
This morning, you should have received an email from our ballot agent “TrueVote” with details of the ballot and how you can cast your vote on whether you want to engage in protected industrial action.
The ballot will open first thing on Monday, 12 August, at 0600hrs.
The ballot period will be open for a period of 14 days and will close at 1200hrs on Monday, 26 August, at 1200hrs.
It is vitally important for you to vote in this ballot. The higher the YES vote in the ballot, the bigger message it sends to management and the Government about how serious we are on our claims in this bargain. Make sure you vote YES to every question.
We ask that all members vote as early as they possibly can. If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to your local delegate, organiser, or our office on [].
We have a compulsory conciliation in the Fair Work Commission on Tuesday, 13 August. We don’t expect much, if any, progress to be made that day, but under the new laws, we’re obliged to participate. Stay tuned for updates from that day.